Overview, Mechanics, and Alt-Control
I can’t help myself questioning New Yorkers who refuse to use their umbrellas on a rainy day. Umbrella carries my genuine wish that my personal space won’t be invaded when an umbrella could serve as my shield.
Instead of using common game input (such as keyboard, mouse, or Joycon controls), player needs to use the actual umbrella to protect themselves during a rainy day. They can dodge or attack incoming enemies by moving their umbrella to the correct position, open the umbrella, and close the umbrella when needed.
The game uses Ardity (a Unity package that allows serial communication via COM Portals) to connect an Arduino Nano 33 IoT to the computer. It reads the gyroscope values through the embedded 3-axis gyroscope sensor of the LSM6DS3 module, sends the message to Unity, then triggers character movement as directed.

Alt-Control Demo

In-game Screenshot

Gameplay Demo

Screen Recording


Sample Sprite Sheets
Design Drafts and Sketches

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