The fingers are the infinite expansion of desire and obsession, restraint and aggression, give and take. We are trapped inside the value system we had built throughout our life span, and we grabbed not only the materialized but also the bonded relations.
In Hands and Handcuffs, we hold up onto the treasured or the obsessed at the exact moment in which time has created another replica of us, reconciling with that obsession while exploring a new ground of curiosity and possessiveness.
Medium and Genre: Digital Street Photography, Black and White.

We definitely are born egocentric and try to become less demanding as we grow up. Yet the path towards self-actualization requires a tighter hold instead of a loose one. How many times we have blamed ourselves for letting go and for how many times do we feel insecure about losing what we have already had? The formation of satisfaction is a paradox when we are constantly demanding the unsatisfied and undervaluing the satisfied.